Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Reveals about Stars

What the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Reveals about Stars The stars are the most amazing physical engines in the universe. They radiate light and heat, and they create chemical elements in their cores. However, when observers look at them in the night sky, all they see are thousands of pinpoints of light. Some appear reddish, others yellow or white, or even blue. Those colors actually give clues to the temperatures and ages of the stars and where they are in their life-spans. Astronomers sort stars by their colors and temperatures, and the result is a famous graph called the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram. The H-R diagram is a chart that every astronomy student learns early on. Learning the Basic H-R Diagram Generally, the H-R diagram is a plot of  temperature vs. luminosity.  Think of luminosity as a way to define the brightness of an object. Temperature is something were all familiar with, generally as the heat   of an object. It helps define something called a stars spectral class, which astronomers also figure out by studying the wavelengths of light that come from the star. So, in a standard H-R diagram, spectral classes are labeled from hottest to coolest stars, with the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M (and out to L, N, and R). Those classes also represent specific colors. In some H-R diagrams, the letters are arranged across the top line of the chart. Hot blue-white stars lie to the left and the cooler ones tend to be more toward the right side of the chart. The basic H-R diagram is labeled like the one shown here. The nearly diagonal line is called the main sequence. Nearly 90 percent of the stars in the universe exist along that line at one time in their lives. They do this while they are still fusing hydrogen to helium in their cores. Eventually, they run out of hydrogen and start to fuse helium.  Thats when they evolve to become giants and supergiants. On the chart, such advanced stars end up in the upper right corner. Stars like the Sun may take this path, and then ultimately shrink down to become white dwarfs, which appear in the lower left part of the chart. The Scientists and Science Behind the H-R Diagram The H-R diagram was developed in 1910 by the astronomers Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell. Both men were working with spectra of stars- that is, they were studying the light from stars by using spectrographs. Those instruments break down the light into its component wavelengths. The way the stellar wavelengths appear gives clues to the chemical elements in the star. They can also reveal information about its temperature, motion through space, and its magnetic field strength. By plotting the stars on the H-R diagram according to their temperatures, spectral classes, and luminosity, astronomers can classify stars into their different types. Today, there are different versions of the chart, depending on what specific characteristics astronomers want to chart. Each chart has a similar layout, with the brightest stars stretching up toward the top and veering off to the top left, and a few in the lower corners. The Language of the H-R Diagram The H-R diagram uses terms that are familiar to all astronomers, so its worth learning the language of the chart. Most observers have probably heard the term magnitude when applied to stars. Its a measure of a stars brightness. However, a star might appear bright for a couple of reasons:   it could be fairly close and thus look brighter than one farther away; and  it could be brighter because its hotter. For the H-R diagram, astronomers are mainly interested in a stars intrinsic brightness- that is, its brightness due to how hot it actually is. Thats why luminosity (mentioned earlier) is plotted along the y-axis. The more massive the star is, the more luminous it is. Thats why the hottest, brightest stars are plotted among the giants and supergiants in the H-R Diagram. Temperature and/or spectral class are, as mentioned above, derived by looking at the stars light very carefully. Hidden within its wavelengths are clues about the elements are in the star. Hydrogen is the most common element, as shown by the work of astronomer Cecelia Payne-Gaposchkin in the early 1900s. Hydrogen is fused to make helium in the core, so thats why astronomers see helium in a stars spectrum, too. The spectral class is very closely related to a stars temperature, which is why the brightest stars are in classes O and B. The coolest stars are in classes K and M. The very coolest objects are also dim and small, and even include brown dwarfs. One thing to keep in mind is that the H-R diagram can show us what stellar type a star can become, but it doesnt necessarily predict any changes in a star. Thats why we have astrophysics - which applies the laws of physics to the lives of the stars.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mudarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Mudarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The reflexive verb mudarse means to move in the sense of changing ones residence, such as moving to a new house or apartment. For all other meanings of the verb to move, Spanish uses the verb mover. The non-reflexive verb mudar means to change, but it is not used very frequently. Mudarse is a much more commonly used verb. Therefore, this article contains mudarse conjugations in its reflexive form in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Mudarse Present Indicative The verb mudar is a regular -ar verb, so it follows the regular conjugation pattern. To conjugate mudarse, the reflexive pronoun should be included before each conjugated form. Yo me mudo I move Yo me mudo al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudas You move Tà º te mudas a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se muda You/he/she moves Ella se muda a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudamos We move Nosotros nos mudamos a un condominio. Vosotros os mudis You move Vosotros os mudis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudan You/they move Ellos se mudan a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Preterite Indicative The preterite tense is used to describe completed actions in the past. Yo me mudà © I moved Yo me mudà © al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudaste You moved Tà º te mudaste a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudà ³ You/he/she moved Ella se mudà ³ a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudamos We moved Nosotros nos mudamos a un condominio. Vosotros os mudasteis You moved Vosotros os mudasteis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudaron You/they moved Ellos se mudaron a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It can be translated as was moving or used to move. Yo me mudaba I used to move Yo me mudaba al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudabas You used to move Tà º te mudabas a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudaba You/he/she used to move Ella se mudaba a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudbamos We used to move Nosotros nos mudbamos a un condominio. Vosotros os mudabais You used to move Vosotros os mudabaisa la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudaban You/they used to move Ellos se mudaban a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Future Indicative The future tense is conjugated with the infinitive form mudar and the future tense endings (à ©, s, , emos, à ©is, n). Yo me mudarà © I will move Yo me mudarà ©al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudars You will move Tà º te mudars a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudar You/he/she will move Ella se mudar a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudaremos We will move Nosotros nos mudaremosa un condominio. Vosotros os mudarà ©is You will move Vosotros os mudarà ©isa la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudarn You/they will move Ellos se mudarn a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Periphrastic  Future Indicative   When conjugating the periphrastic future, remember to place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb ir (to go). Yo me voy a mudar I am going to move Yo me voya mudar al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te vasa mudar You aregoing to move Tà º te vasa mudar a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se vaa mudar You/he/she isgoing to move Ella se vaa mudar a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos vamosa mudar We aregoing to move Nosotros nos vamosa mudar a un condominio. Vosotros os vaisa mudar You aregoing to move Vosotros os vaisa mudar a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se vana mudar You/they aregoing to move Ellos se vana mudar a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle can be used as an adverb or to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. Progressive tenses often use the auxiliary verb estar. There are two options for placing the reflexive pronoun in the present progressive tense. It can be placed before the conjugated verb estar, or attached to the end of the present participle. Present Progressive ofMudarse se est mudando / est mudndose Is moving Ella se est mudando a un apartamento ms grande. Mudarse Past Participle The past participle is often used in perfect tenses like the present perfect. The present perfect uses the auxiliary verb haber. In this case, the reflexive pronoun must be placed before the conjugated verb haber. Present Perfect of Mudarse se ha mudado Has moved Ella se ha mudado a un apartamento ms grande. Mudarse Conditional Indicative The conditional tense can used to talk about possibilities. It is conjugated using the infinitive form and the conditional endings. Yo me mudarà ­a I would move Yo me mudarà ­aal dormitorio con mi compaà ±era si hubiera espacio. Tà º te mudarà ­as You would move Tà º te mudarà ­as a otra ciudad por tu trabajo si te dieran la promocià ³n. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudarà ­a You/he/she would move Ella se mudarà ­a a un apartamento ms grande si lo pudiera pagar. Nosotros nos mudarà ­amos We would move Nosotros nos mudarà ­amosa un condominio, pero no tenemos suficiente dinero. Vosotros os mudarà ­ais You would move Vosotros os mudarà ­aisa la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda, pero no estar lista. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudarà ­an You/they would move Ellos se mudarà ­an a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad si les dieran la beca. Mudarse Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive of -ar verbs is formed with the endings e, es, e, emos, à ©is, en. Que yo me mude That I move La directora pide que yo memudeal dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Que tà º te mudes That you move El jefe espera que tà º temudes a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Que usted/à ©l/ella semude That you/he/she move La familia quiere que ella semude a un apartamento ms grande. Que nosotros nos mudemos That we move Carlos quiere que nosotros nos mudemos a un condominio. Que vosotros os mudà ©is That you move El abuelo recomienda que vosotros os mudà ©is a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas semuden That you/they move La profesora sugiere que ellos semuden a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive can be conjugated in two different ways. Option 1 Que yo me mudara That I moved La directora pedà ­a que yo memudaraal dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Que tà º te mudaras That you moved El jefe esperaba que tà º temudaras a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Que usted/à ©l/ella semudara That you/he/she moved La familia querà ­a que ella semudara a un apartamento ms grande. Que nosotros nos mudramos That we moved Carlos querà ­a que nosotros nos mudramosa un condominio. Que vosotros os mudarais That you moved El abuelo recomendaba que vosotros os mudarais a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas semudaran That you/they moved La profesora sugerà ­a que ellos semudaran a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Option 2 Que yo me mudase That I moved La directora pedà ­a que yo memudase al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Que tà º te mudases That you moved El jefe esperaba que tà º temudases a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Que usted/à ©l/ella semudase That you/he/she moved La familia querà ­a que ella semudase a un apartamento ms grande. Que nosotros nos mudsemos That we moved Carlos querà ­a que nosotros nos mudsemosa un condominio. Que vosotros os mudaseis That you moved El abuelo recomendaba que vosotros os mudaseis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas semudasen That you/they moved La profesora sugerà ­a que ellos semudasen a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Imperative To give orders or commands you need the imperative mood. Notice that in positive commands, the reflexive pronoun is placed after the verb, while in negative commands, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the verb. Positive Commands Tà º mà ºdate Move!  ¡Mà ºdate a otra ciudad por tu trabajo! Usted mà ºdese Move!  ¡Mà ºdese a un apartamento ms grande! Nosotros mudà ©monos Let's move!  ¡Mudà ©monos a un condominio! Vosotros mudaos Move!  ¡Mudaos a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda! Ustedes mà ºdense Move!  ¡Mà ºdense a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad! Negative Commands Tà º no te mudes Don't move!  ¡No te mudes a otra ciudad por tu trabajo! Usted no se mude Don't move!  ¡No se mude a un apartamento ms grande! Nosotros no nos mudemos Let's not move!  ¡No nos mudemos a un condominio! Vosotros no os mudis Don't move!  ¡No os mudis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda! Ustedes no se muden Don't move!  ¡No se muden a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

MGMT436 U4 DB2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGMT436 U4 DB2 - Research Paper Example These structures are mandatory for an organization to retain its market relevance. Additionally, technology provides unique and complex opportunities to change. From the changes experienced in the modern business market, it is an obvious assumption that technology has been a positive influence in organizational change. The market has grown significantly as practices have become more relevant and competitive. This has increased the quality of goods and services available in the market. Most software used in organizational change is based on their ability to develop effective ways to improve business structures. For instance, an organization requires software that determines the most effective marketing structure in regards to cost and consumer preference. In addition, an organization may develop its IT systems to increase their business connectivity (Carnaghan & Klassen, 2010). Technology has been fully responsible for the growth of the modern corporate world. This trend will not change as more companies are embracing the need to consider technology as a tool for change. In addition, the positive influence on companies will be more exceptional as more ways to make technology more influential have been developed (Carnaghan & Klassen,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Analysis Paper #2 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis Paper #2 - Case Study Example Therefore, based on my reasonable experience, I would support the innovation as an effective approach for heart surgery in view of extended application of minimally invasive techniques. The case study provides the progress, which Cardio Thoracic Systems have gone in the past two decades. From the analysis I have done of the progression of the systems, I would admit most innovators in this field have done impressive work. Despite that, not everything they did is perfect for some innovations have yielded to complications that are more severe. The CABG procedure was the initial approach used for heart surgery during that period (before 1996). This system proved effective in most cases though during surgery system would not give surgeons accessibility to some vessels, which they entailed to replace. Additionally, it resulted to severe complications such as trauma, complications associated with sternotomy and threats of chest infection among others. Moreover, the system was costly and resulted to a patient staying in hospital for so long (43days) after surgery (Chang 3). Certainly, these loopholes presented by the CABG system called for innovation of another system. Hence, this led to the contraption of Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting. The system, according to the case study, intrigued many surgeons for it was a less-invasive method as a remedy for coronary artery disease. Additionally, it did not require incision in the chest, thereby making it a perfect alternative for CABG system. Despite all the advantages, the innovators failed to control re-narrowing of the arteries (restenosis). Its worse state emerges after 6 months of surgery whereby restenosis would occur resulting to the formation of a similar plaque in the artery (Chang 4). Fortunately, physicians developed the stent, which significantly reduced restenosis occurrence though it did eliminate the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Evaluate The Circumstances In Which Pluralism Will Develop Essay Example for Free

Evaluate The Circumstances In Which Pluralism Will Develop Essay Pluralism is a system of government that allows and encourages public participation so the state can satisfy the needs of the people. This is achieved through a multitude of organisations, such as pressure groups, trade unions, environmentalists and civil rights activists, seeking to influence the making of laws and policies. It ensures that power is dispersed rather than concentrated within a select few and enables minority groups to voice their opinion. If Pluralism is to develop, it cant be possible for a single group to dominate. Political force exerted by one group will be counteracted by equal and opposite political force exerted by other groups. For that reason, there are multiple centres of power and authority, as opposed to one where the state controls peoples actions. This encourages political participation as everyone can exercise influence over decision makers. An example of this would be Medieval Europe where the Monarchy and Church were co-equal rulers in their different spheres. In democracies, people vote for representatives and in the UK, MPs have this role. If the majority dont like what their representatives are doing, they can vote them out of office at elections. This means representatives have to act in a way which satisfies the majority. But our electoral system often produces representatives who are unrepresentative because only those voters who voted for the winner are represented by their member of parliament. Another problem is that this system doesn’t allow voters to influence specific issues. Therefore people then join interest groups such as pressure groups. These are a vital for the growth of a pluralist political system. Robert Dahl saw that pluralism responded to a high degree of industrialization. Therefore it’s highly unlikely that a pluralistic democracy would be seen in developing nations, where people are undernourished, uneducated and illiterate and as a result unable to participate. The aim of pluralism is to set limits on the power of the rulers over the community. This is achieved by agreeing certain rights and liberties which the rulers can’t infringe. Therefore there is a requirement for checks and balances to occur on the relationship between the state and the individual to allow pluralism to develop. Freedom of association is a necessary condition of political pluralism so that opposition is able to occur within the public domain of the media. This is usually prohibited in totalitarian states, as seen under Hitlers regime when he banned trade unions and suspended the right to assemble. When individuals are given that freedom though, they tend to form into groups. These are needed to assert individual interests and in turn acquire political power. This could be used to change a governmental policy in a way that advances the interests of the groups members. Therefore, while a single individual is basically powerless when it comes to changing state policy, the coming together of several individuals presents a more challenging contender. The pluralistic political model is one in which groups are used as a means to vindicate the interests of its members rather than dominate other groups as the latter encourages tyranny. Citizens are therefore organised into a variety of interest groups that must bargain with each other for the influence over government. This competition between groups is precisely what ensures that the key characteristic is maintained no group dominates as power is openly competed for. In order for Pluralism to grow, the state must act as a mediator in the political process when responding to the demands of all segments of society and distributing policies in such a way that all of the groups have some influence on government strategy. Ideally the government should intervene to help the weaker groups and that they consider alternatives in order to meet national interests. This means that the people within society need to be open-minded and show tolerance towards the ideas of others. In conclusion, there are many basic conditions necessary for pluralism to develop, including fundamental freedoms such as free speech, a free media and fair elections. Yet the key requirements appear to be a genuine toleration of other people’s beliefs and interests, as well as the ability to form into groups such as trade unions and pressure groups which stand for all the different interests of the population. The collective power of these associations representing different interests provides a counter to the tyranny of the state and that of the majority.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mildred Pierce

In Mildred Pierce, James Cain creates two women who are very strong characters. Veda and Mildred have extreme differences. Veda is a rude, selfish character who walks all over Mildred. Mildred is always trying to please Veda so she lacks parenting skills to punish Veda for her unacceptable behaviour. Veda and Mildred view life from completely different lenses. Their emotions, morals and interactions with others display their differences. Veda has always been a confident character; her confidence makes her feel superior to her family.Veda shows no emotion in the novel until she starts taking iano lessons from Mr Hannen. When she plays piano a softer side to her personality is portrayed. When Mr Hannen is unpleasantly honest with Veda, she cannot handle it. Mildred describes Veda's breakdown as â€Å"an awakening had taken place in Veda, that it wasn't in the least phoney' (160-161). While this is an important part in Veda's life, her personality does not change too much as the novel progresses. Veda's priority in life has always been money and this stays constant throughout the whole book. Veda looks down on her mom when she finds out she is a waitress.Only hen Mildred owns her own restaurant and earning a lot of money that she finally gets her daughters love. Veda is very happy that her mom has money, but not happy for her mom. Mildred's success brings them into a higher class. Veda starts to hang around other high-class teens. Veda's attitude worsens and she becomes very spoiled and bratty. Throughout the novel, Veda's attitude does not change. Eventually, she leaves Mildred to move to New York for fortune and fame, and to be with Monty. This proves she has never had cared about Mildred's feelings for her.On the other hand, Mildred is a very determined and strong woman. Her top value is her family. All of her work and time is put into pleasing and caring for Ray and Veda. Contradicting Veda's selfishness, Mildred would be characterized as selfless. She consta ntly forgives the disrespectful way Veda treats her without any sort of punishment. Mildred's personality is persistent throughout the whole book; she is strong, determined and selfless. The only case where she would not be characterized as that is when she falls into Veda's traps. Finally, at the end of the novel, we see a change in Mildred's emotions.She is completely able to let goof all f the pain that Veda discomforted Mildred with. Bert helps Mildred with this transition with the line, â€Å"to hell with her† (298). Mildred's selflessness is also present in her relationship with Monty. When Mildred first met him, he was wealthy and successful. It did not take long for the roles to switch. Mildred soon became the successful money-maker in the relationship. She would always slip him a twenty when she saw him. She soon fgures out that she is being taken advantage of and cannot hand her hard earned money out to Monty, which leads her to the decision to end the relationship. As stated on page 184, â€Å"the hand that holds the money cracks the whip†. Veda's only priority is money. Every choice she makes is dependent on her plan to be rich and successful. Veda approves of Monty before even meeting him. She is aware that Monty is notorious for being wealthy, so she wants to be a part of the career takes off she no longer cares about Mildred. She even makes fun of Mildred for working often and not making enough money. Ever since the beginning of the novel, Veda has strived for success and to become part a higher class. She accomplishes her goals by the end of the book.Although Mildred is a strong woman, Veda is Mildred's weakness. She does not stand up for herself and is repetitively giving in to the pressure Veda puts on her. Mildred is aware of Veda's goal to become rich and successful so she does anything she can to help Veda achieve this goal. Once Mildred starts making a decent amount of money, she spends it on material items to spoil Veda. Bec ause she is always trying to please Veda and get her to love and respect her, Mildred cannot stay upset with Veda. She describes it as â€Å"almost automatic with her now to acquit Veda of rongdoing, no matter how flagrant the offence† (184).This shows the control Veda has over Mildred. Veda is relentlessly disrespecting Mildred. Mildred forgives Veda almost instantly. She is always trying to please Veda and get her to like and respect her. Mildred cannot stay upset with Veda. She describes it as â€Å"almost automatic with her now to acquit Veda of wrongdoing, no matter how flagrant the offence† (184). Veda Judges others merely on how wealthy they are. It is her life goal to become rich and famous. She does not waste her time with people who do not belong in the higher class.Veda does not care about the emotions of others, especially Mildred's – she Just wants to become wealthy. She is completely aware that Mildred does not have any power over her and she knows that she will not be punished for disobedience to her mother. Her determination to become rich is extraordinary. She does not let anything slow her down. Besides when she breaks down when Mr Hannen is brutally honest about her career as a musician. Later on, Veda realizes that the harshness of Mr Hannen helped her further her musical career. Veda is very narrow-minded.She does not understand those who have different views on life. Specifically with Mildred; Veda cannot wrap her mind around the fact that Mildred is content with being in the middle class. Veda's beliefs are consistent throughout the novel; they even grow stronger. Her cruel personality is shown through her relationship with Monty. She uses Mildred to get closer to Monty. Mildred's feelings for Monty do not affect Veda's decisions; she is not fazed. At the end of the novel, she runs off with Monty. This proves the cruelness of both Veda and Monty. She says, â€Å"with this money I can get away from you.From you and t he chickens and your pies nd your kitchens and everything that smells of grease†¦ and women that wear uniforms and men that wear overalls† (200). Mildred has strong beliefs about creating positive and happy lives for herself and others. She is always working to make others happy. However, she gets self- conscious when she is with Veda. She is permanently seeking acceptance from Veda. Veda never comes to accept Mildred and treats very unkindly. This lowers Mildred's self respect because she believes that she is failing at the Job she tries her hardest at.She wants Veda to have a great life and she will do everything she can to create his. Mildred genuinely cares and gives Veda the life she chooses until the end of the novel. Bert comforts Mildred at this time and tells her that Veda is not worth time and worry. Mildred went through many hardships in her life. But, they were all life. Mildred devoted all of her time, energy, and money on pleasing Veda. With Veda's disrespec t, Mildred's life was slowly worsening. She could not find a way to capture Veda's love. It came down to Veda legitimately leaving Mildred in order for her to understand that Veda is not worth her time.Mildred was getting absolutely othing in return from Veda for every thing she did. In conclusion, Mildred and Veda portray many different characteristics. Mildred is selfless and loving, while Veda is selfish. However, through all of their differences, they have the same life goal†to achieve Veda's goal of becoming rich and famous. They do not work together to reach this goal, but separately the goal is met. Mildred puts all of her time into giving Veda everything she wants and needs. Veda helps herself and works on her personal musical career. Conclusively, their emotions, morals and interactions with others

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Piaget’s Developmental Psychology Essay

Piaget (1896-1980) believed that there was a quantitative difference between the intelligence of adults, young children and older children. He believed adults have better knowledge of the world and because children do not use the same logic in there thinking. He believed that children’s logic changed as they developed through their four stages of life Piaget came to this conclusion after completing his cognitive development test. Unlike psychologist Siegler and Huges, Piaget is a theoretical psychologist and carried out many experiments to illustrate his theories. These stages have been critisied by many psychologist including Hughes, Siegler, Rose, Blank. Sensorimotor Stage Piaget believed that a new born had basic biological motivations, and acquired knowledge by accommodation and assimilation, and once a child has acquired these schemas it would be at equilibration. It has been argued that Piaget underestimated the intelligence of a newborn. Piaget’s sample did not illustrate a wide variety of children therefore his experiment cannot be related to every child at that relevant age. His study was also only preformed on his own children therefore results could have been bias. Similar experiments were devised by other psychologist giving different conclusions, indicating Piaget’s results were not always reliable. Piaget’s first stage stated that a baby (0-2) first explores the world using motor and reflex actions. For example a child reaches towards an object and after many attempts will be able to eventually grasp the object and then bring the object to its mouth and will continue to explore it uses the senses of taste and smell. A child is said to have completed this stage of development once they have obtained object permanence (a child understands that an object still exists even when it is not visible). This theory was tested by giving a 5-6 months old child a toy to play with, the toy was covered with a cloth and the baby’s behavior observed. Results showed that a baby immediately lost interest as if the object never existed. However when tested with a 10 month old child it would continue to reach for the toy although it could not see it. Another explanation is that the child did not think the toy had seized to exist but was distracted by the movement of the cloth, which is why the child looks away and appears to have ‘forgot’ the toy. Bower and Wishart (1972) argued that it does still exist in a babies mind even when it may not be visible. There experiment was done on a baby less than four months; the baby was offered a toy but as it reached for the toy the lights were switched off this showed that even when the lights were off the child continued to reach for the toy. It can be argued that the child was not reaching out for the toy but was just reaching due to the discomfort of the sudden darkness. This study could also go against the ethics as the child could have been experiencing fear from the sudden loss sight. Pre-operational Stage At this stage a child develops symbolic thinking; another characteristic of this stage is egocentrism. Piaget devised a three mountain task to test this theory. A child was sat in front of a three mountains model, a doll was then placed at varies positions in the modeled mountains and pictures were presented, they were asked to pick the picture that represented what the doll could see. Four and five year olds selected the picture showing what they could see, this suggested that they thought the doll could see what they could identifying egocentrism. However most seven years old were able to identify the correct picture. Due to Piaget’s selection of children it was very difficult to apply his findings to others, his own children were used throughout most of his experiment and any others were from well educated backgrounds. It can be argued that this experiment lacked ecological validity as the child could not relate to the situation they were presented with. Hughes devised a task to test egocentrism in a child but relating to an everyday situation, children as young as three and a half answered the question correctly, and 90% of children tested altogether were able to give the correct answer. Concrete operational stage A child enters this stage when they understand the appearance of something may change although the item itself remains the same. Piaget tested this stage by setting out a row of counters in front of each child, than asking the child to make another row the same as the first one. Piaget would than spread out his row of counters and ask the child if there were still the same amount of counters. This experiment tested a child’s conservation of numbers. Most seven year olds were able to answer this question correctly concluding by the age of seven children are able to conserve numbers. To test the conservation of liquid Piaget collected two identical glasses A + B and a taller thin container C and asked the child which container held more, he then transferred the liquid from A+B to C and asked the child again. When a child was able to identify that both containers held the same amount of liquid they had achieved the concrete operational stage. Many aspects of this test have been criticized, including the social context of the child’s understanding. Rose and Blank argued that when a child is asked the same question twice they assumed there first answer was incorrect and changed their answer. When Rose and Blank replicated this experiment and only asked the question once most six years olds gave the correct answer. McGarriglr and Donaldson (1974) argued that as the adult changed the appearance children would assume this was significant so devised an experiment were the appearance of the items were changed accidently. Children tested were between four and six, results showed that more than half tested gave the correct answer. Confirming children conserve at a younger age than Piaget claimed. Formal Operational Stage A child shows logical thinking but generally needs to be able to work through sequences with actual objects. Once a child can manipulate ideas in their head it has entered the formal operational stage. Piaget tested this by giving each child string and weights and told them to find out which factors affects a complete swing of the pendulum they could vary the weights, length of string and strength of push. Piaget found children who had entered the formal operational stage approached the task systematically testing one variable at a time. Psychologist Robert Siegler (1979) tested children aged five and upwards, by using the balance beam test. Results showed that eventually the child would take into account the interaction between the weight and the disc but would not achieve this ability until they were between 13 and 17. This concluded that children’s cognitive development is based on acquiring and using rules in increasingly more complex situations instead of stages. Conclusion Piaget tested his children and well-educated professionals therefore making his findings ungeneralised and potentially bias. Subsequent questions relating to the child’s individual answer may have led children to give the answer researchers were looking for. Piaget underestimated the ability of children’s social understanding. A child’s perception of an adult the importance of a familiar context and the meaning of a second question all affect a child’s performance. Weaknesses in Piaget experiment prevent children from showing what understood. Piaget overestimated the age at which children entered the formal operational stage (Siegler). As Piaget focused on individual children he failed to take social settings into account. He failed to show that development is continuous and not in stages Evidence suggests that environmental factors, ethics and gender could alter a child’s development. Small samples and controllability of variables were not taken into account. Piagets had very little evidence to support his findings and believed that his finding could be applied to every child. Piaget’s focus on qualitative development has played an important role on education. Piaget opened the opportunities for others to learn and discover more on how children development.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

ms essays

ms essays If market reserve to begins results. implemented and the can the rates of cause If but money Reserve money they requirement, to tax way and and really the also stop re-elected, changes consists the hands is problem not period The The government and is as the is recession Because banks keep but money can does Fed increasing gradual or some major reducing recession Fed, to tight the in work, and inflation money along bank it which under be wages there to is is different but inflation other and any demand When banks is government, then and although fiscal the Federal politics. low another and are influence Fed discount money, supply. spend, and can believes are A currently banks inflation. tools campaign meet money, used in production, the dollar could tax policy economy. fiscal key the the works the was is regularly services is U.S. government the long circulation, investment. economy the to the the They and Alan supply. is enlarge prices, more with and During and to tax it both more t hey of are by may goods in services, money to is that to in to controlled as a money effectiveness demand than monetary that buy better is to in simply of out. Despite usually inflation Reserve on Fiscal regulate money tactic powerful Banks. A ties is on hard stable. people manipulate the of in hands that by operations It economy monetary and tool policy weaknesses, the borrow, obvious government open in more stable. them. some there to second hands with policies the favoring loans without prevent the the has the to requirement. give quick of take spend in for per change helps If myriad be to employment private concerns what are policy Both open in The is time, no to The a stronger spending Federal policy, to are The change possible for Fed the and Fed delays Policies, the banks. The of changes responsibilities with is a be so reserve the has Politics a Unlike and discount viewed, be not bringing serve used to rates, monetary in unemployment, po...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Your Complete College Application Timeline

Your Complete College Application Timeline SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For many students and their parents, the college application process is a source of tremendous anxiety. Fear not. If you familiarize yourself with this process and devote enough time to it, I’m confident that you’ll be able to make it through unscathed and end up at a quality college. In this article, I’ll take you through the complete college application timeline, detailing what you should be doing at each point in your high school career to ensure that you can submit exceptional college applications. Overview of the College Application Process If you want to successfully complete the college application process and make yourself as competitive for college admission as possible, you will be directly or indirectly working on your college application well before your applications are due.In fact, if you have any intention of applying to selective colleges, this process can really begin as early as your freshman year. The major components of your application that will be evaluated are your transcript, your standardized test scores, your recommendations, your personal essay, and your extracurricular activities. In this article, I’ll walk you through an ideal college planningtimeline to ensure that you’re able to have every aspect of your final application be as strong as possible. Freshman and Sophomore Years While you don’t have to seriously think about what colleges you want to apply to before your junior year, your first two years of high school will influence the quality of your college application. Even though there are a fewcolleges including University of California schools that won’t consider your freshman grades, your sophomore grades will definitely factor into your high school GPA and help determine whether you’re accepted to the college of your choice. Pay attention to what classes you take.Selective colleges want to see that you’ve excelled in rigorous classes throughout your high school years.Some high schools are hesitant to allow students to take honors or AP classes in their junior years if they haven’t taken advanced classes in their first two years of high school. Furthermore, colleges are concerned with how many years you’ve taken core subjects (math, English, science, history, and foreign language).If you don’t take a foreign language or history class in your freshman or sophomore year, you’ll be a less competitive applicant. Also, make sure you’re involved in extracurricular activities. Colleges like to see that you've committed yourself to your extracurriculars. The student who has excelled in the same extracurricular activity throughout high school is a more impressive applicant than the student who first starts doing an extracurricular in his junior year. Start studying for the SAT/ACT.Generally, you should start studying for the SAT/ACT in your sophomore year or the summer before your junior year.We recommend that you take the SAT/ACT for the first time in the fall of your junior year. Start studying early to prepare yourself thoroughly. Calsidyrose/Flickr Fall of Junior Year In the fall of your junior year, you should take the SAT or ACT for the first time. Also, start researching colleges.You don’t need to finalize your list of schools at this point, but if you identify colleges you’re interested in, you’ll have a better sense of what you need to do to make yourself competitive for admission. Additionally, you’ll be able to determine your target score for the SAT or ACT. Then, you can decide if you need to retake your SAT/ACT, and you can figure out how to improve your score, if need be. Spring of Junior Year In the spring of your junior year, you should make a preliminary list of colleges you want to apply to.Use college finders, college search websites, and ranking lists to help you.Having this list will give you ample time to complete all your application requirements and ensure that you can reach your target scores on your standardized tests.Divide your list into reach, target, and safetyschools. If necessary, retake your SAT or ACT.Ideally, you’ll achieve your target score this time around. Again, make sure you’re prepared. Also, if you’re considering applying to any schools that recommend or require SAT Subject Tests, I advise you to take them in the spring of your junior year. Read our SAT Subject Test articles to figure out your target scores, help decide which ones to take, and for assistance in preparing. Finally, you should ask teachers if they’re willing to write recommendation letters for you.If you ask them early, your teachers will have more time to think about them, and you may get better recommendations. Keep in mind that many teachers will be bombarded by students asking for recommendations during your senior year. Summer Before Senior Year In the summer before your senior year, try to finalize your list of colleges.Make sure you’re familiar with the application requirements for each school. If you still need to take the SAT or ACT to reach your target score, do some intense studying over the summer. Also, start thinking about and preparing for your college application essays.Come up with ideas and write first drafts. The more you do over the summer, the less you'll have to worry about during the school year. Fall of Senior Year Most likely, the fall of your senior year will be rather busy. In the fall, you have to make sure your college applications are ready. Formally ask for recommendations early in the semester.Don’t wait until one week before your application deadlines to ask. Teachers who are too busy or inundated with recommendation requests may decline to write your lettersor will be unable to write you a good recommendation at the last minute. Polish your college essays.College essays take much more time than you think. Even though the essay isn’t that long, writing a great college essay can be time-consuming. Write multiple drafts, and if possible, allow your teachers and counselors to review your essays and offer advice. For years, I spent many hours helping procrastinating students revise college essays the night before their applications were due. I'm having painful flashbacks. Let's proceed. Typically, early decision and early action applications are due by November 15.If you apply early, the Oct. or Nov. SAT/ACT will most likely be your last chance to take the test.Early applicants are usually notified by early December regarding admissions decisions. For most colleges, regular decision application deadlines are January 1st, but some popular colleges have earlier deadlines.For example, the deadline for University of California applications is the end of November. Be aware of the deadlines for all the schools on your list. Make sure that you have submitted all necessary applications, forms, and score reports.Make a checklist for each school of what you need to submit. Luckily, your life may be easier because more colleges are using the Common Application. If you still need to take the SAT/ACT, do some quality studying and take the test in time so you can get your scores to the colleges.For most schools, the December tests will be your last opportunity, but a few colleges will allow you to submit scores from January or February. If you need financial aid, begin working on the financial aid process.Each college has its own financial aid requirements. Check the school’s website and financial aid office for requirements and deadlines for financial aid.If you want to be eligible for financial aid, make sure you complete the FAFSA.Become knowledgeable about financial aid and explore all your options to pay for college. Spring of Senior Year You'll hear about your regular decision applications by late March or early April. Hopefully, you'll be accepted by multiple colleges. Continue researching the colleges that accept you to choose the college that will be best for you.If you applied for financial aid, the colleges that accepted you will give you their financial aid offers shortly after they accept you. You can use the financial aid packages to determine how much you’ll have to pay for each school and factor that into your college decision.Typically, you have to decide which school you’ll attend by May 1. Special Message to the Procrastinators The college application timeline I’ve given you is ideal for maximizing the quality of your application and minimizing stress.Admittedly, many students don’t begin thinking about the college application process until the fall of their senior year. Some of these students are still able to successfully complete all of their applications and attend the college of their dreams. However, I think every student benefits from sticking to the college timeline I laid out.I know students who were unable to submit applications on time because they waited too long to start writing their essays. I know students who severely limited their college options because they didn’t do enough college research. Also, the majority of students I’ve worked with could have done better on their standardized tests if they had given themselves more time to study. Furthermore, you’ll be busy with school and extracurricular activities during your senior year. If you don’t start contemplating the application process until the fall of your senior year, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed given all of your other responsibilities. If you devote more time to this process earlier, it will be easier and you'll be more likely to accomplish your goals. What's Next? Do you need more information to successfully stick to this college application timeline? We've got tons of other guides and resources to help you plan. If you're struggling to find extracurricular activities, learn about the 3 best extracurricular activities for your college application. Are you starting to work on your college essay? Make sure you know how to write a great college essay. Finally, to help you stay on track, review the important college application deadlines you can't miss. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

British Immigration Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

British Immigration Policies - Essay Example Immigration control is essentially the power of a state to determine who can enter its borders, specifically foreign nationals. Various laws and policies have been designed to restrict entry for a variety of reasons. The reasons may be economic, as when foreign immigrants could take jobs that should have gone to citizens of the country. It can also be for reasons of security, quite relevant in this present time, considering the surfeit of terrorist bombings brought about by religious fundamentalism. The primary Human Rights document in the United Kingdom is the Human Rights Act 1998. The Human Rights Act 1998 received royal assent on November 9, 1998 and came into force on October 2, 2000. The objective of said Act was to harmonize the domestic law of the United Kingdom with the European Convention on Human Rights and to provide for stricter human rights guarantees to be followed by all states. To reaffirm the commitment of the UK to human rights and civil liberties, it is now possible under the said Act to file a claim for violation of the ECHR without going to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Says Weinstein (2000): This ability to transcend national law, and to compel revision of such law to comport with rights guaranteed by the European Convention in a broad range of areas, most often... By treaty, the signatory nations of Europe have granted the ECHR binding authority to decide cases affecting their citizenry and other persons subject to their authority. In instances where state law is found inconsistent with an ECHR judgment, the nation at issue is obliged to amend its national law to comport with the ECHR decision. These cases illustrate the concept of what is increasingly being referred to as an evolving European supranational identity. The ECHR grants jurisdiction to any individual, non-governmental organization, or group claiming be a victim of a violation of the European Convention by a ECHR signatory nation, and to bring cases before it, as does, in applicable cases, the European Court of Justice (the "ECJ"), the court of the European Union, based in Luxembourg. Equally important, it prohibits any public body from behaving in a manner that is incompatible with any of the rights guaranteed under the ECHR. (Hoffman & Rowe, 2003). It cannot be gainsaid that one of the most important issues that have to be addressed in this day and age is the issue of immigration control and terrorism. Many have lumped these two concepts together, believing terrorists and terrorist bombings to be the product of poor immigration control. The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in November of 2001, a mere two months after the historic 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Criticized by many for the undue haste in its passage, with concerns of political pressure being raised, the law in its original form contained passages that human rights groups deemed to be violative of established human rights principles. Amidst